Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Purpose.  Who am I and what should I be doing with my life? It's what everyone strives to find and fulfill.  Worst is knowing your purpose but failing to make it your reality.  You see if you're not careful, life can just happen and happen some more until you feel so far off path...off your journey that you get lost in a wilderness of randomness or worst yet someone else' purpose.  Have you ever felt like that? For example, mothers and wives often lose their identities to their family roles.  Yes, being a mother and wife is an important part of who a woman may be but these roles may not encompass the entirety of her identity. She was who she was before she started playing those parts (although she could just as well have always been a very family oriented person with a strong desire to make parenting and being a wife her life's purpose...nothing wrong with that at all). 
Final note, playing by the rules is great especially if you create the game.  Easier said then done right?  But really, we all have it within us to be game makers.  Decide today to discover and fulfill your purpose right where you are.  Life is but a vapor. That is why it's so important to live....not just exist.  I encourage everyone out there to do this: Periodically, ask yourself, "Who is (your name)?"  In my case, "Who is Tonia?"  If you find it hard to answer, no worries.  Nothing a pencil and few sheets of paper can't help resolve.  First, write down your favorite pastimes, favorite music, foods, regions of the world, memories, etc.  Then, review it all carefully and you'll likely find a common pattern or theme that pervades your entire being.  Lastly, stay true to yourself (morally, legally, and ethically) and fulfilling your purpose simply just happens.           

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Apron Strings

Kids contribute so much to the chaos of family dynamics.  The constant energy of their mere presence gives family life so much spark and definition.  As they get older and begin to carve their individual identities separate from "The _____ Family", the change in dynamics can catch an unsuspecting parent surprise.  Those frequent cute little smiles that lit up the world are only captured in quick glimpses.  For some parents, accepting the inevitable... that your little ones have already started snipping away at the proverbial "apron strings" right under your nose, can jerk a few tears.  So, break out your parenting magazines and books.  Take a walk down memory lane with your parents, grandparents, and all the empty-nesters in your circle.  Then, brace your heart.  Little Johnnie and Emily are getting ready to not only snip at the apron strings but also a couple tiny slits in your heart....just the facts of life.  My advice? Listen to what they say and do.  Honing this skill is essential to successfully moving from parenting young children to parenting young adults.